Blogger Spotlight #2: Orchid from The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia

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Photo by kristinemillerdesign © 2014

Last month I started the new Blogger Spotlight feature where I put the “spotlight” on Shae from Shae Has Left the Room (read it here). This month I will be interviewing Orchid from The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia. To get to know her a little better, I asked her to write the following quick little bio:

Orchid is the nom de plume of the quiet, nomadic military brat and founder of The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia.

Having crisscrossed hither and yon across the US, she has spent her time falling into the world of books and upon many a sport field. When not reading or working on her blog, which is rarely, she can be found exercising and inadvertently sneaking up on family members…including her puppies… and devouring gummy bears by the bagful.

Rose: You started your blog around 6 years ago (wow!). Why did you start it? Were there ever times when you thought about stopping?

Orchid: That is a tough question, as I’m not entirely sure what possessed me to start a blog. Although, one of the reasons I was drawn to blogging and this was before I knew there was a book blogosphere, I had been following Meg Cabot’s blog and loved reading all of her posts. Next thing I knew, I was starting my own; it didn’t start off as a solely book orientated blog but morphed into one as I found myself needing to get my thoughts down on all the books I read. I guess, you could say I began my blogging odyssey after being inspired by one of my favorite authors and then running with it in my own fashion.

I would be lying if I said, “no.” There were maybe three times over the course of six years that I considered quitting. The first would have to be when I first started seeing all the book blog scandals with some people stealing others work. I was disheartened that anyone would spend all their effort taking credit for another’s instead of spending that time using their own ideas and words to make their blog and posts truly their own. The second (or maybe this would actually be the first), would have to have been that first year. The first couple of months were rough as I doubted that anyone was actually interested in my thoughts on books and that I was wasting my time. But the longer I went on posting the less it mattered to me whether or not anyone commented, I just had to get my thoughts out there.  The final time I considered quitting was two years ago. I was terribly behind in everything after moving for the second time in under a year and was out of motivation.

Blogging definitely has its ups and downs, but in the end, I have found it to be well worth all the time and effort that goes into running a blog.

Rose: Do you have a book schedule for reviewing books? Or do you just review whatever you feel like reading?

Orchid: Both! Seriously, that is how I roll with my reading. The only things I really read on a ‘schedule’ (I use this term loosely) are book tour books. When it comes to reading I’m somewhat of a free spirit who enjoys just picking up a book from the pile and reading it.

Rose: While we’re on the topic, do you have a schedule for posting? Do you work on your posts the night before you publish them or weeks in advance?

Orchid: I don’t really have a schedule for posting. While I do schedule things way out in advanced, I’ve been known to just randomly switch posts around or throw in extra reviews because I couldn’t wait to share my thoughts on something. As to a posting schedule, I generally try to post one to three reviews a week; but that can change from week to week.

I just really like to keep things flexible and fun.

Rose: There are a lot of new books coming out this fall. Are there any that you are particularly excited for?

Orchid: Mortal Heart by Robin LaFevers. I just started her His Fair Assassin series a couple weeks ago and cannot wait to see how things will end. Winterspell by Claire Legrand would be the other book I’m most excited for. I really enjoyed the last book of hers and cannot wait to see her reimagining of the Nutcracker.

Rose: What’s the best part of being a blogger? The worst?

Orchid: That one can talk as much or as little as one wants about any given book you want. I love that as a blogger you are not confined to just reading the newest, most popular books; you could delve into the vast catalog that is the printed word and share your love and enthusiasm for the new and old.

Emails! I am almost always behind in returning emails because I’m reading! I am not known for being all that great about corresponding with people, be it email or letter, so it usually leaves me scrambling to keep my inbox from consuming me.

Rose: I totally agree about the email part. Especially if something accidentally goes to spam and the person sends me a ton of emails after that asking if I got the email.

Rose: Do you participate in any features? 

Orchid: Teaser Tuesday and Wish List Wednesday…although they’re probably more meme then feature. I don’t always do WLW, but I enjoy sharing what books I’m hoping to get my hands on one day. Teaser Tuesday’s just really fun as I enjoy seeing a glimpse into what people are reading.

Because I wanted to share some of my favorite older young adult books, I started Vintage Reads. So, periodically on my blog you’ll see my thoughts on some older titles that I’ve read or discovered for the first time. While I love new books and testing out new authors each year, I feel that the older and more established books and authors deserve a chance to shine on the blog as well.

I also started the All about Middle Grade feature two years ago as I felt that middle grade books and authors were not getting enough love in the book blog world. There’s just something magical about middle grade books that made me want to share them with everyone.

Rose: You review both middle grade and young adult books on your blog. Do you have a preference of one or the other?

Orchid: I enjoy both of them equally yet for different reasons. My preference flip-flops depending on my mood and whether or not I’ve just come off a reading a string of books in either category.

Rose: If you could make everyone in the world read one book of your choosing, which book would it be? Why?

Orchid: The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis – Every single time I read that book, which is pretty much every year, I feel like a little piece of me has remained in Narnia. The entire series, or at least the books featuring the Pevensie’s, because it is just such an incredible journey.

Rose: Just for fun – name your three favorite things.


  1. Haribo Gummy Bears
  2. Library Sales
  3. Competing with myself on my workouts to do it better/faster than the previous time.

Thanks, Orchid! You have some pretty awesome answers. Everyone click on this linky-link to visit Orchid’s blog and follow her! Be sure to read her reviews and even participate in some of her features if they appeal to you!

I’m still looking for two more bloggers to feature! If you have any interest send me a quick email ( or you can event contact me on Twitter (@rose_reading). Come back next month to see who else is being featured!

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