NaNoWriMo Update: November 9

As of 10:16 p.m. tonight, my current word count is 7,715. I have changed my goal to 25,000, because I was feeling too overwhelmed. Today I wrote 4,034 words. Phew! Let's talk characters and what their appearances mean. My main male character, Allium, has curly brown hair, and light blue eyes. He is supposed to … Continue reading NaNoWriMo Update: November 9

First NaNoWriMo Update: November 1

Well people of the interwebs, today was much less overwhelming than I thought it would be. I was thinking about my novel all day, and how overwhelmed I would be, how much I thought I would get done, etc. I am here to tell you this: I felt so completely comfortable doing my novel that … Continue reading First NaNoWriMo Update: November 1